Enrique Vicente

Introduction to programming in C. A practical approach

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This course in a electronic format is a compilation of the course “Introduction to programming in C. A practical approach” published in Udemy.

ntroduction to programming in C. A practical approach.
1.— Presentation
2.— The C language
4.— Your first program in C
6.— Phases of elaboration of a program. Hello World
8.— Description of the part of the program
9.— Exercises
10.— Variables and types of variables
11.— Basic concepts .. memory bits and bytes
12.— Variables. Integer and real
13.— Mathematical operations
14.— Conversion of types
15.— Example. Calculation of prices with VAT 16.— Making decisions
17.— Logical comparisons
18.— Relational operators and logical operators
19.— Selecting options
20.— Example: Basic calculator
21.— Advanced topics. Loops
22.— Arrays
23.— Text strings
24.— Exercises for the student
25.— Variables and Pointers
26.— Dynamic memory
27.— Structured programming
28.— Data structures
About the Author
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