Alex Okoroji


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In this raw & riveting coming of age story, Nigerian Actress, Alex Okoroji takes off the covers and gets downright NAKED & gritty, unashamed to tell it like it is – illustrating her own powerful reinvention – as she strips down the lies & insecurities, ripping apart her limited beliefs about love, sex, money and friendship to reveal her innermost secrets, relationship failures, career hurdles and the endless self doubt…

Through which she UNCOVERS wisdom, freedom and a new perspective “living in a light bulb of truth” as she NOW knows it – to become the highest expression of confidence, brilliance, talent and greatness. This is an incredible personal story, that will trigger millions of men & women all over the world, to reflect on their own personal journey, unravel their relationship with money, beliefs, work ethics, people, and even God, so they can recognize their own truth, experience freedom & uncover their greatness too.
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