The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection

What Islam Teaches Me

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Is your child ready to learn about Islam?

Do you want to help them develop a healthy relationship with Allah?

This book is a great place to introduce them to a world religion!

Children are naturally curious and want to learn about things, including where they came from and how they were made. Introducing them to Allah and the Islamic faith at an early age is a crucial part of their education if you want them to grow as responsible members of society and become good Muslims.

What Islam Teaches Me introduces the basics of Islam to kids in a simple
but effective way that is both educational and fun. It will teach them:

The basic principles of the religion of Islam

Who is Allah and how to get close to Him

What is the Holy Quran

Who is Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him

the six articles of faith in Islam

the Five Pillars of Islam

What is Jannah (Paradise)?

and much more…

The love of Allah is already instilled in our children's hearts; all it takes is for you as a parent to nurture it and make it a central part of your child's life.

With the help of The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection, you can instill
in your child a proper Islamic upbringing and knowledge of the
religion, starting right here with an introduction to the Islamic faith.

Scroll up now and click Add to Cart for your copy!

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