Paul Feeney

A 1960s Childhood

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Do you remember Beatlemania? Radio Caroline? Mods and Rockers? The very first miniskirts? Then the chances are you were born in the or around 1960. To the young people of today, the 1960s seems like another age. But for those who grew up in this decade, school life, 'mod' fashions and sixties pop music are still fresh in their minds. From James Bond to Sindy dolls and playing hopscotch in the street, life was very different to how it is now. After the tough and frugal years of the fifties, the sixties was a boom period, a time of changed attitudes and improved lifestyles. With chapters on home and school life, games and hobbies, music and fashion, alongside a selection of charming illustrations, this delightful compendium of memories will appeal to all who grew up in this lively era. Take a nostalgic look at what it was like to grow up during the sixties and recapture all aspects of life back then.

PAUL FEENEY is a writer and part-time business consultant. He has also written a local history of Highgate and A 1950s Childhood: from Tin Baths to Bread and Dripping. He lives in Surrey.

«If you grew up in the Swinging Sixties, you’ll love Paul Feeney’s A 1960s Childhood.» – Reviewed in Yours Magazine, 23rd Feb ’10.

“The author captures the atmosphere and 'furniture' of the Sixties to perfection, even recreating a typical family Christmas of the time. Whether you were a child or an adult in that most eventful decade, this excellent book, with charming black and white illustrations, will throw up lots of talking points.” – Reviewed in This England, Summer 2010 edition
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