Martin H.

Natural Manhood

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«Natural Manhood explores how men, particularly those locked in our prisons, need a complete overhaul with new thinking and a recognition that if we do not seek the divine in all our lives, we are unlikely to resolve the issues we face in a rapidly changing world.  What is needed is new thinking and a dose of ancient wisdom.  This book provides both.»  (From the Foreword).
Contents. vii
Dedication. ix
Foreword. xi
Introduction. 1
Part 1: Male Alienation. 7
(I)      Isolation. 11
(II)     Infantilism.. 37
(III)   Male Sexuality & Shame. 55
(IV)   Self-Hatred. 83
(V)    Madness!. 125
Part 2: Free Your Mind. 171
What is Mind?. 179
Purification of Mind & Body. 191
Withdrawal 199
The Importance of Self-Nurturing. 203
Meditation for Beginners. 213
From the Problem towards a Solution. 225
Part 3: Natural Manhood. 227
(I)      Mother. 235
(II)     Father. 241
(III)   Friendship. 249
(IV)   The Male Mentor. 251
(V)    Spiritual Practice. 257

Our Higher Mother. 263 Our Higher Father. 267 (VI)   Natural Manhood. 269

Afterword. 287

Epilogue. 293

Appendix A: Self-Tests for Compulsive Behaviours. 295

Appendix B: Articles for Prisoners & Staff. 325

Appendix C: Find your Brothers!. 353

How to Start Your Own Men’s Group. 373

Personal Stories:  Men Share Their Experience, Strength & Hope. 383

Voices. 431

With Special Thanks to: 441

Index of Chapters. 443

Natural Manhood was written for adult male prisoners.  It is presented in a dyslexia friendly format.  According to our research, 80% of male prisoners have some form of dyslexia, and around 75% have the reading ability of the average 11 year old child.  However, anyone interested in social science, in particular criminology and men's studies, will find Natural Manhood interesting.  This book also contains articles, poetry and illustrations.

Finally, Natural Manhood is a spiritual book.  Throughout there are references to body, mind and spirit.  To quote Thomas Merton (1915 — 1968):

«It is the silence of the world that is real.  Those who love their own noise are impatient for anything else.  They constantly defile the silence of the forests and the mountains and the sea.  It is the silence of the world that is real.  Our noise, our business, our purposes… these are the illusion.»

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