Abby Gaines

Married by Mistake

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{"strong"=>["The bride wore a white dress and a look of despair…"]}
Do not adjust your set. That really was Casey Greene being jilted by her fiancé on live TV. And that really was Tennessee’s most eligible bachelor who stepped in to marry her instead! Millionaire businessman Adam Carmichael only wanted to help Casey save face. He isn’t prepared for the news that their “fake” wedding is legal and binding.
While they secretly wait for an annulment, media and family scrutiny forces them to put on their best loving couple act. Except by now, neither one is quite sure who’s acting…
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  • Umme-Jiya Alihar citeratför 4 år sedan
    She leaned into him, felt his unmistakable hardness, and clutched at his hair.
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