Pittacus Lore

I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies

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Before Number Four, there were One, Two, and Three. Until now we've only known that the Mogadorians caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. But all of that is about to change. . . .
In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies, you'll learn the true story behind these ill-fated members of the Garde. Before they were murdered by the Mogadorians, before Number Four was next, they were all just kids on an alien planet called Earth—discovering their powers, trying to stay hidden, and running for their lives.
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  • Orlando Mizardelade ett intryckför 6 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

    Si leerme toda la saga guardo la esperanza que adamus sea un futuro de la saga

  • rita121175delade ett intryckför 6 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa
    💞Full av kärlek


  • rita121175har citeratför 6 år sedan
    “This is why we fight,” says Hilde quietly, her eyes watery. “Not just to avenge our planet and our people and to one day bring life back to Lorien, but to prevent this fate from befalling Earth.
  • rita121175har citeratför 6 år sedan
    “But nooo. I have to go and be the first. Otherwise known as the most doomed of nine doomed assholes. The Elders really screwed me over.”
  • rita121175har citeratför 6 år sedan
    Why should I care what some human thinks of me?

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