Kat Gordon

An Unsuitable Woman

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{"strong"=>["Perfect for fans of Dinah Jefferies and Gill Paul’s The Secret Wife“]}
{"strong"=>["‘Gloriously dark’ Liza Klaussman", "‘Evocative’ i newsaper“, "‘Seductive’ Anna Hope”, "‘Rich’ Sunday Times“, "‘Thrilling’ Emma Chapman”], “br”=>[nil, nil, nil, nil]}
Theo Miller is young, bright and ambitious when he and his earnest younger sister Maud step off the train into the simmering heat of Nairobi. Both eagerly await their new life, yet neither are prepared for the pain it will bring.
When Theo meets American heiress Sylvie de Croÿ, he is welcomed into her inner circle — the Happy Valley set — rich, dazzling expatriates, infamous for their scandalous lifestyles.
Yet behind Sylvie’s intoxicating allure lies a powerful cocktail
of secrets, lust and betrayal. As dark clouds gather over Kenya’s future and his own, Theo must escape this most unsuitable woman — before it is too late.
First published as The Hunters.
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