Elen Caldecott

Marsh Road Mysteries: Diamonds and Daggers

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Meet Piotr, Minnie, Andrew, Flora and Sylvie — true friends and even better mystery-solvers!
Hollywood sensation, Betty Massino, has come to star in the theatre down the road and Piotr and his friends Andrew and Minnie couldn't be more excited! But when the famous actress's hugely expensive diamond necklace goes missing, Piotr's dad, a security guard at the theatre, is a prime suspect. Soon, Piotr faces the very real threat of being sent 'home' to Poland. With the help of Sylvie and her twin sister Flora, can Piotr, Andrew and Minnie solve the crime or will they lose Piotr forever? The first in a fantastic new series filled with friendship, adventure and mystery!
Perfect for fans of Lauren St John, this is THE new mystery adventure series by Waterstones Book Prize shortlisted author Elen Caldecott.
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