Krista Ritchie

Thrive (Addicted Series)

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  • b1516978116har citeratför 2 år sedan
    One day at a time. “Isn’t that too slow for you?” I ask. The Loren Hale that I’m used to wants no delay on life, no drawing out the agony. He hates the wait.

    I watch his gaze fall to my belly. And then they flicker to my features. He searches them like he’s engraining each freckle, each piece of me. “Life moves too quickly,” he says. “I don’t want to speed through a single moment. Not anymore.”

    I cry into a laugh because I never thought I’d hear him talk this way. He brushes my tears for me, our lips only a breath apart.

    And I whisper, “One day at a time then.”
  • b1516978116har citeratför 2 år sedan
    “Fantastic,” Ryke replies.

    “Not fucking fantastic?” Daisy whispers to him with a bright smile.

    He actually smiles back
  • b1516978116har citeratför 2 år sedan
    In the beginning of everything, he empathized most with Quicksilver. For being the son of an undesirable man. For being rebellious and wishing that life would just hurry up already. He’s not perfect by any means, but that’s why Lo loves him: every imperfection, every flaw. He is a hero in my eyes because of each one.

    “Maximoff,” he says. My tears brim. I flip the ornament over and see Lo’s name etched into the back. He draws me closer and rubs his sleeve below my eyes. “Say something.”

    “I love it,” I say with a laugh the produces more tears. Maximoff. Quicksilver’s last name. And then it clicks. “Remember when we said that the best Ravenclaws are the ones who can cheer for the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs?”

    Lo nods.

    “Luna,” I say. “For a girl…”

    He smiles. “It’s perfect…just don’t tell Rose and Connor that it’s because of them.” He knows that Luna makes me think of my sister and his best friend.

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