Couldn’t you just drink some of a person’s blood, then walk away?” “I can’t believe you’re asking me this, Snow. You, who can’t walk away from half a sandwich.”
Swati Dubeyhar citeratför 3 år sedan
I’ve got you now, I think. I’ve finally got you where I want you.
Swati Dubeyhar citeratför 3 år sedan
Snow stands again when I walk into our Greek classroom. I take my seat without looking his way. “Enough, Snow, I’m not the Queen.”
Todotraumas Kunhar citeratför 3 år sedan
Baz grins, then leans over and kisses my neck. (I have a mole there; he treats it like a target
Todotraumas Kunhar citeratför 3 år sedan
How did you bring my fall? I stopped the Humdrum myself.”
Baz looks back at his phone, bored. “Fell in love, didn’t you
Todotraumas Kunhar citeratför 3 år sedan
Did I also bring my own fall?”
“No,” Baz says. “That was me. Obviously.”
Todotraumas Kunhar citeratför 3 år sedan
And a boy in my arms, instead of a girl.
Todotraumas Kunhar citeratför 3 år sedan
When you look at it that way, it wasn’t that much to give up—my magic. For Baz’s life. For mine
Todotraumas Kunhar citeratför 3 år sedan
It’s not even a dragon tail—you gave yourself a cartoon devil’s tail.”
“I’m sure I could have it removed,” I say. “I could talk to Dr. Wellbelove.”