Grace Hall

Stories of the Saints

The Apostle Thomas—he that doubted, and was convinced of the very presence of his beloved Master after His death, only when he had with his own hand touched the Wounded Side—was, after the Saviour's ascension, preaching in Caesaria, when Christ one day appeared to him, saying: «The King of the Indies—Gondoforus—purposes to build a palace which shall be more beautiful than any other upon earth, yea, even more rich than that of the ruler of Rome. He sends his provost, Abbanes, to seek out men skilled in building. Do thou go and build this palace.»

Thomas answered (ah, Thomas, Thomas, doubting still!): “Oh, my Lord, send me whither Thou wilt, only send me not to the people of India!”

But Christ replied: “Nay, thither must thou go, for am I not here to guard thee, and am I not thy Keeper? Carry the Gospel to the heathen of India, and thereafter shalt thou come to Me by the crown of martyrdom.”

So, with Abbanes, the provost, Thomas journeyed, and arrived after many adventures in the kingdom of Gondoforus…
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