Robert Duffy

The Essential Guide to Cannabis

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Most widely used illegal drug in Britain; surveys indicate that around 65% of all 15 – 59 year olds have taken some form of illegal drugs – the majority being Cannabis.
Many of the millions of cannabis users have little idea of what it is; how it works; where it comes from and how to use it.
The Essential Guide to Cannabis addresses these issues in simple, every day, language.
It also gives in-depth information on buying cannabis; growing cannabis and cannabis as a medicine.
This gives an overall view that is of great benefit to the cannabis user.
In counterpoint The Essential Guide includes chapters covering risks and addiction; the legal status of cannabis and a comprehensive guide for parents.
Whether the reader is a ‘user’, ‘concerned parent’, ‘teacher’ or just an ‘interested party’ The Book covers all aspects of cannabis use in easy to understand language.

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