
Flame Music: Rock and Roll is Life: Part II

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It's 1978 and Nick Du Pont, one-time PR man to Sixties rock behemoths the Helium Kids, is back in London and bent on founding his own record label. A new kind of music — sharp, hard and dangerous — is bursting onto the airwaves on both sides of the Atlantic and Nick wants a slice of the action — in particular, the work of The Flame Throwers, the most provocative assemblage of street-smart desperadoes ever to hail from downtown Los Angeles.
Picking up from where the highly-praised Rock and Roll is Life (2018) left off, this is the story of Resurgam Records and the personal traumas and tragedies that attended its coruscating rise — until the time when, as so invariably happens, the dancers shuffle to a halt and the music stops.
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