Nicholas Sparks

A Bend in the Road

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  • b2280828880har citeratför 3 år sedan
    She nodded. “I know.”

    He shook his head without responding, then started down the hall. A minute later, outside the window, she watched as he got into his car and drove off. She went to the couch again. The phone was on the end table and she waited, knowing it would ring soon.
  • b2280828880har citeratför 3 år sedan
    Sarah smiled. “No, you’re right on time. I saw you coming up.”

    Miles took a deep breath. “You look beautiful,” he said.

    “Thank you.” She motioned toward the box. “Is that for me?”

    He nodded as he handed her the box. Inside were six yellow roses.

    “There’s one for every week you’ve been working with Jonah.”

    “That’s sweet,” she said sincerely. “My mom will be impressed.”

    “Your mom?”

    She smiled. “I’ll tell you about her later. C’mon in while I find something to put these in.”

    Miles stepped inside and took a quick glance around her apartment. It was charming—smaller than he thought it would be, but surprisingly homey, and most of the furniture blended well with the place. There was a comfortable-looking couch framed in wood, end tables with an almost fashionable fade to the stain, a nicked-up glider rocker in the corner beneath a lamp that looked a hundred years old—even the patchwork quilt thrown over the back of the chair looked like something from the last century.

    In the kitchen, Sarah opened the cupboard above the sink, pushed aside a couple of bowls, and pulled down a small crystal vase, which she filled with water. “This is a nice place you’ve got,” he said.

    Sarah looked up. “Thanks. I like it.”

    “Did you decorate it yourself?”

    “Pretty much. I brought some things from Baltimore, but once I saw all the antique stores, I decided to replace most of it. There are some great places around here.”
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