Christopher Coake

We're in Trouble

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Short fiction about love in the face of mortal threats, in a prize-winning collection by the author of You Came Back. In this extraordinary collection of short fiction, characters wrestle with the moments in life that test us most deeply, in ways both dramatic and subtle. In ';We're in Trouble,' a woman is asked to end her dying husband's suffering. In ';Abandon,' a troubled young man must risk jail to do right by the only woman he has ever loved. And ';In the Event' shows a young musician's all-night vigil after he loses his best friends and is suddenly left as the guardian of their three-year-old son. From a wife waiting for news of her husband's latest death-defying climb to a sheriff thrown into turmoil after his close friend enacts a horrifying murder-suicide, this ';uncanny, clear-eyed [and] wildly engaging' story collection was awarded the PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize (Entertainment Weekly).
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