Michael Webster

The Multi-dimensional Voyager: How the Voyager Becomes the Wizard, Master of Dimension and Time

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The Multi-Dimensional Voyager Each Voyager’s path through the Energetic Matrix is unique. The Multi-Dimensional Voyager, which has been described as a Wizard’s Handbook, provides guidance on tackling some of the challenges the Voyager may encounter on their journey. As you voyage you realise that the Universe is a willing and supportive teacher; that Time is co-operative in helping you achieve your dreams; and that by recognising and non-judgementally accepting the dark side of ourselves we all become whole. Power lies not in our limited self. When we embrace the greater whole of which we are a part our power becomes fully available. Energetically you have the power of a Wizard and the ability to change many lives for the better. You also have the key to the door of Enlightenment, however you perceive it to be. With power comes great responsibility – use it wisely.
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