Red,Sadie Wolf,Roxanne Sinclair,Mimi Elise,Karyn Winter

A Good Deal

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A collection of five erotic stories with mixed themes including sex with a stranger, intense BDSM and wish fufillment.

A Good Deal by Roxanne Sinclair

Magda, a confident businesswoman, is in control of all aspects of her life including her sex life. So when she wants sex, she knows how to find a man who will oblige.

Kiss Me in the Car by Mimi Elise

A couple on the way home from a rare night out alone find themselves stranded when their car breaks down. They soon get over their annoyance and take the opportunity to recreate the sex of the early days of their relationship, to the surprise and delight of the rescue patrol man!

College Romance by Sadie Wolf

A college student uses every trick in the book to seduce her lecturer in this wish-fulfilment fantasy.

Clean-up Duty by Karyn Winter

A hot, sexy, intense BDSM story with lots of close up detail that’s guaranteed to give you a voyeuristic thrill.

Sparkie’s Wild Night by Red

Toys, dressing up, food, passionate play, fun and games… A husband comes home to find a much better evening in store for him than a night in front of the television!

These stories have also been published in Sex and Satisfaction Two – ISBN 9781906373726
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