Colin Campbell

Montecito Heights: A Resurrection Man Novel

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It’s not long before Grant finds himself on live television busting an armed robbery, spreading his arms wide to show he’s unarmed – the same pose that earned him the nickname “Resurrection Man” in Boston. The spotlight may be good for Grant’s profile, but it’s bad for his health. The Dominguez drug cartel is looking for him, and his work for the senator has uncovered a ring of dirty cops who want him out of the way. Helped by an ex-cop working on CSI:NY and hindered by a film crew that wants to make him a reality TV star, Grant must tread carefully. In the city of angels corruption runs deep, loyalty is fragile, and justice is hard to find. “A cop with a sharp eye, keen mind, and a lion’s heart.” – REED FARREL COLEMAN, New York Times Bestselling Author of WHAT YOU BREAK “Campbell writes smart, roller-coaster tales with unstoppable forward momentum and thrilling authenticity. The Resurrection Man series is a blast.” – NICK PETRIE, Bestselling Author of LIGHT IT UP and the Peter Ash series.
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