Karla Max

The Abundance Manifesto

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The path to great wealth and health starts from within. It hinges especially to your acceptance to the world around you. The result from the positive outbreak of your mind is a clear definition of what you desire from and for the world. Rather, the world itself will find you worthy of your altruist mind. Slowly, all the abundance in the world will open itself up to you.

You see, our mind is made up of constant rewiring of our thoughts, past experiences, expectations, actions at every second, minute and hours of our life. The ‘final product’ of our thoughts is the one in charge of the further reaction towards everyone around you.

Within the next pages of this book, you will uncover the one true manifesto of your abundance. It is more than just your well-known struggle but it starts as early from the way your mind commanding your nerve system to act upon it. This command is highly influenced by the result of conflict between your mind and your heart.
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