C.N. Phillips

Carl Weber's Kingpins: Harlem

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Kleigh never wanted Tron to fall in love with her, or vice versa. She isn't who he thinks she is, but how can she tell him that the kingpin he is gunning for, Kevin “Klax” Turner, is her big brother?
She is the water to his fire and the calm to his storm. Never in his 26 years of life did Tron think he would find his equal, but Kleigh is exactly that. Her beauty speaks to his eyes, while her mind whispers to his soul. He can't imagine anybody else wearing the crown as queen after he kills the king of Harlem and takes over the throne. When push comes to shove and her secret comes to light, Kleigh is forced to pick a side. That choice is what ignites the fire to a war of savages . . . a fire that can only be put out by blood.
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