Nicole Ashley

Kingdom Horizon

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Gifted in handling horses, skilled in weaponry, and trained by the tribal priest in the ancient ways of her people—Charlana is at odds with her father, the Arlevani chieftain.

As Arlevani chief, Aric has determined to learn from Rome how to advance his Germanic tribe. A former Roman centurion, Laurentius, becomes his advisor, even though he is a Christian. His beautiful daughter captures Aric’s interest, tormenting him until he exchanges her to an enemy tribe, only to quickly regret his decision.

In protest against her father’s political tolerance and new beliefs, Charlana leaves the tribe to fight the Romans—and to fight for her people’s Germanic identity by drawing on the dark powers the tribal priest taught her. On the way, she crosses paths with the military tribal leader who intends on marrying her.

Apart from forcing his daughter to return, Aric knows only one way to bring Charlana back and protect his tribe from war. But He will need God to accomplish an impossible reconciliation.
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