John Howlett

Love of an Unknown Soldier

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Epic love story set in the First World War. Harry Cardwell, 21 year-old shepherd from the border hills, is already a ‘veteran’ of the Somme battlefield. Returning from leave Harry confronts a burly Sergeant auctioning off a tin of intimate love-letters and photographs found in a shelled dug-out. To protect the privacy of those letters, Harry buys them himself. A simple act of decency that is to have a lifetime of consequence. Annie is the nurse in the photographs. A volunteer from New England with her doctor husband on a Harvard Medical Unit, she is now a widow on an ambulance train serving the Western Front. Harry finds Annie and they fall in love, their passion unfolding against the background of Passchendaele.
'Love Of An Unknown Soldier' is the first volume in the Harry Cardwell Series. 'A Long Road Home', 'When War Came Again', 'First Snow of Winter' and 'Last Snow of Winter' follow the survivors through the 20's and the 30's to the end of the 2nd World War, Alp Grüm completes the series.
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