Robert Lanni

The Crazy and The Damned

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How does one describe the intrusive and disturbing thoughts that plague the mind of an OCD sufferer? When author sat down in front of his computer in January of 2013, he had asked himself the same question. The answer came to him naturally. He just had to chronicle the last 40 years of his life in as concise a manner as possible and then share it with the world. The Author's goal for the book? Foster understanding and acceptance of people with mental illnesses. Written, in short, personal memoir form, the book "The Crazy & The Damned: An OCD Memoir" is a must-read for people who are interested in mental health issues and advocacy. This new book is valuable to Counselors, Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and other medical personnel. It is also an extremely important read for family members and friends – from this book they can gain an understanding of the mind of the OCD sufferer they love. The memoir describes the author's firsthand journey from silent suffering to outspoken wellness, and recovery – he credits his newfound health to intervention, determination, and excellent care. As a short, concise work, life experiences that were unrelated to OCD were kept to a minimum. The book presents the reader with a gripping story of pain, hope and ultimate victory over the disorder.
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