Otto Rimas

Reflections – A Photo Book

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Reflections is a photo book with 99 inspirational quotes about reading. The quotes are inserted in photos, which gives them even greater depth and offers the reader an opportunity to pause for a moment of meditation.

The quotes originate from about 80 authors and philosophers and show the great importance of literature and reading for life, maturity and wisdom. The photos, which are all in full color, have been taken in different places in different countries.

Reflections is a book which contains a lot of encouragement and many truths to ponder. It is a reminder of the importance of the book, and it encourages giving reading a more prominent place in our lives.

The book is divided into nine parts with eleven photos and quotes in each part.

For a sample of quotes and photos, and for a presentation of the book, go to YouTube and look at the presentation video Reflections — A Photo Book.

Otto Rimas works as teacher at Mariannelunds folkhögskola in Sweden since 1978.
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