Patrick Stokes andssss Adam J.Buben

Kierkegaard and Death

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“This impressive [anthology] succeeds admirably at demonstrating how the Kierkegaardian corpus presents . . . a philosophy of finite existence” (Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews).
Few philosophers have devoted such sustained, almost obsessive attention to the topic of death as Søren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard and Death brings together new work on Kierkegaard’s multifaceted discussions of death and provides a thorough guide to the development, in various texts and contexts, of Kierkegaard’s ideas concerning death.
Essays by an international group of scholars take up essential topics such as dying to the world, living death, immortality, suicide, mortality and subjectivity, death and the meaning of life, remembrance of the dead, and the question of the afterlife. While bringing Kierkegaard’s philosophy of death into focus, this volume connects Kierkegaard with important debates in contemporary philosophy.
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