Andrew Rainier

Email Marketing Blueprint

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Email Marketing Blueprint is a quick read to deploying your own highly optimized email campaigns in just minutes! In this eBook, you will discover things like: How to monetize from every email you send out; What big Internet companies like Amazon and Groupon do to make massive profits from their email marketing campaigns; How to optimize your email subject line to boost your open rates; How to increase your call to action in your email body; The best time of the day to send out your email; The best (and the worst) days of the week to send out your email; Open rate boosters and killers – how simple words can pull an extra +17% increases and avoid wrong words that can drag down your open rates by more than half; Click Through Rate boosters – like one nifty way increases your CTR by +19%! On the other hand, CTR killers include one popular but overlooked method that actually filters your email into other people's spam folders easily and much more.
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