Susan B. Hassmiller


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Resetting shares the story of a personal grief journey and helps transform today’s understanding of the human condition. Although grief and loss are universal human conditions around since the beginning of time, the idea of loss is still greatly feared, ignored, distained, undiscussed, and certainly not prepared for. It is no wonder people feel alone and isolated in their feelings and thoughts when loss comes to them. Longtime nurse, Susan Beth Hassmiller, who is no stranger to death, has experienced the journeys of suffering and death in her patients as well as her personal life in which she was completely blindsided by the physical, spiritual, and emotional toll.
Resetting is written in a daily diary format in which Susan opens a very private window to the actual feelings and thoughts she experienced in the grief process. Resetting is raw and gripping as it illustrates a new level of understanding of the human condition. Susan helps those who have suffered loss gain a new perception and a greater sense of grief while learning lessons on how to help those suffering from grief—from words to say to tasks to take on.
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