Kat Geiger

Terrariums Reimagined

Make glass-enclosed gardens using creatively repurposed containers—includes extensive photos and two dozen projects to try.
Add style, nature and a touch of whimsy to your home with one-of-a-kind terrariums. Terrariums Reimagined shows how to make and maintain arid deserts, flowering jungles, and lush landscapes in unique containers, such as:
• Milk Bottles
• Mason Jars
• Tea Pots
• Wine Bottles
• Whiskey Bottles
• Light Bulbs
• Glass Soda Bottles
• Decorative Vases
Artist and gardener Kat Geiger’s unique approach to designing mini gardens in glass makes it easy to turn imaginative ideas into stylish showpieces, blooming décor, and fabulous gifts. This book provides everything you need to know about making terrariums, whether you’re a novice or an expert, including step-by-step photos, helpful gardening advice, and tips and tricks on how to find the perfect repurposed vessels for your creations.
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