John G. Hartness

Songs of Wonder

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Welcome to the world of John G. Hartness, raconteur, knight-errant, tilter at windmills, and slinger of ink. This sampler includes a brief introduction to each of my series, so I hope you enjoy it and come along for the ride for more stories!

Included here -

Raising Hell – the award-winning first novella in the best-selling Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter dark fantasy series. Demons, cops, magic, and Dracula! What more could you ask for?

Gone Daddy Gone – a prequel short story featuring the boys of The Black Knight Chronicles, a pair of video game nerds turned into vampire detectives by a poor dating decision. Yeah, you only thought your first dates were awful!

Voodoo Children – the first Bubba the Monster Hunter short story, introducing the world's favorite redneck monster hunter, his gay sidekick Skeeter, and a buttload of zombies. Lots of guns, lots of jokes, LOTS of beer, and the afternoon shift at a strip club. It's Tucker and Dale v. Evil, with more bloodshed.
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