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TRUST NO MAN is an urban street tale told in such vivid detail and with such gritty and compelling style, it is like watching a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Terrence aka Youngblood is a young and jiggy stick-up kid in ATL with much baby mama drama and strict street principles: respect for the code of his game and loyalty to those who are loyal to him. Shan, Youngblood's cocaine sniffing baby mama, violates him when she hooks up with one of his partnaz while Youngblood is serving a bid. When Youngblood touches down, it's on and poppin'. Rich Kid, a flamboyant drug kingpin wants to put Youngblood on his team, but Youngblood prefers to get his the fast way, the ski mask way. When Youngblood hits a big lick, he finds out that more money means more problems. Who can he trust? The answer will leave you speechless. Trust No Man is a story of murder, sex, money, bling, love, and betrayal. Get ready to have your every emotion touched. Trust No Man wil
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  • Rashonda Thomasdelade ett intryckför 5 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

    Can't trust no man/woman!......

  • b9699849645delade ett intryckför 5 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

    It’s definitely turned up’ I’m onto pt.2

  • b5318618620delade ett intryckför 8 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

    Good book. Kept me interested, all the way through.


  • Briana Mauricehar citeratför 5 år sedan
    He snatched the baby from Steve’s girl’s grip and put it inside the microwave that was sitting on the counter. He then shut the microwave’s door and reached as if he was about to turn it on and microwave the baby. He was so geeked up on dust it made him heartless.
  • b2941559950har citeratför 7 år sedan
    Sex has never been a priority to an ambitious man.
  • Briana Mauricehar citeratför 5 år sedan
    They say she got some good pussy and a fool ass head

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