Joseph Delaney

The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch

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Capturing witchesBinding boggartsDriving away ghosts
For years, Old Gregory has been the Spook for the county, ridding the local villages of evil. Now his time is coming to an end. But who will take over for him? Twenty-nine apprentices have tried–some floundered, some fled, some failed to stay alive.
Only Thomas Ward is left. He's the last hope; the last apprentice.
Can Thomas succeed? Will he learn the difference between a benign witch and a malevolent one? Does the Spook's warning against girls with pointy shoes include Alice? And what will happen if Thomas accidentally frees Mother Malkin, the most evil witch in the county … ?
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  • b6942407630delade ett intryckför 6 år sedan


  • Diana Morariudelade ett intryckför 7 år sedan
    💡Lärde mig mycket

    Very entertaining

  • b3186253917delade ett intryckför 5 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

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