Bravo Media

Top Chef: The Quickfire Cookbook

The creators of Bravo’s Top Chef share seventy-five Quickfire memorable recipes in this cookbook featuring tips, photos, contestant interviews, and more.
The much-anticipated follow-up to the New York Times best-selling Top Chef: The Cookbook is here! Drawing from the first five seasons of the show, Top Chef: The Quickfire Cookbook features 75 of the best recipes—from Spike’s Pizza alla Greek to Stephanie’s Bittersweet Chocolate Cake—culled from the Top Chef Quickfire Challenges.
Everything the home chef needs to assemble an impressive meal and channel the energy of the Quickfire kitchen is collected here, including advice on hosting a Quickfire Cocktail Party and staging your own Quickfire Challenges at home. Best of all, this book is spilling over with sidebar material, including tips for home chefs, interviews with contestants, fabulous photos, and fun trivia related to the chefs, dishes, and ingredients that make Top Chef a favorite.
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