Emmanuel Atunwa

Prayer That Moves God

Prayer that moves God, this I know will generate a thousand and one reactions. It is not to say that God will move literally, but that He will act and intervene in your given situation. When you pray a prayer of faith, God is committed to act. Paul and Silas prayed and praised God and the bible records that there was an earthquake, which caused the prison doors to be opened. This was God in action. When you pray and your heart is full of doubt, it will not move God

Good understanding of prayer makes the answer easy. God is not far from you. You are the one that is far from Him. Sometimes people want to pray but do not know what to pray about. This book has been put together to help you pray result oriented prayers

Prayer is asking for Divine help. Therefore, if you see someone that does not pray, it means he does not need help. Anyone can pray. The logic here is if you can talk, then you can pray because prayer is talking to God. Prayer is a major instrument used by God to change events. When you pray expect things to happen. According to Matthew 18:18 you are responsible for whatever happens around you, because whatever you allow is allowed and whatever you disallowed in Heaven. Praying according to the will of God, which is the word of God, is what moves Him to act on your behalf. When you pray His word, He answers you speedily. In this book 21 prayer subject is treated with well thought out prayer points that guarantees instant response. Some of the subjects treated are:

Divine protection

Overcoming impossible situation





Fruitfulness etc

Everything has the right to remain the same until the prayer button is applied. The Bible is full of people that changed events and situations by prayer. You will join the list
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