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Cassandra Dee,Kendall Blake

Buying A Bride

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Melanie’s mom is a schemer. One day at a bar she meets billionaire Aaron Black and propositions him on behalf of her daughter. To Mrs. Conway’s surprise, Mr. Black agrees – his fortune for a month with her daughter.

Aaron Black is used to buying what he wants. Fast cars, gorgeous women, and big houses are par for the course. So why not a bride? It’s the next logical purchase for the billionaire. But what he doesn’t count on is getting a curvy girl with a mind of her own and a feisty spirit that leaves him craving more.

Hey Readers — This is a mouth-watering romance between our innocent virgin and an alpha billionaire with a dirty mind. But if you’re looking for a good time, then this book is gonna satisfy your need for heat! As always, read with an ice cold drink nearby :) Enjoy! Love, Cassandra and Kendall
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