Leinana Two Moons


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The easy recipes in this plant-based cookbook let you enjoy all decadent deliciousness of bacon without the unhealthy fat and cholesterol.
We all know that processed meats are bad for us. But we can’t deny that everything tastes better with bacon. In Baconish, vegan chef Leinana Two Moons shows you how to get that salty, smoky, crispy yum using healthy plant-based ingredients. It’s all in the seasonings, and these easy-to-make recipes are loaded with bacony flavor.
Leinana shares a variety of plant-based bacon recipes, using everything from seitan and tempeh to eggplant, carrots, mushrooms, and even coconut! She then shows how these baconish basics can be incorporated into your favorite bacon dishes—from Quiche Lorraine and BLTs to Pasta Carbonara, Bacon and Cheddar Scones, Maple-Bacon Donuts, and more.
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