Dianne Lowther,Tessa Watt,David Price,Neil Shah,Alison Price,Bridget Grenville-Cleave,Dave Robinson,Elaine Foreman,John Karter,Clair Pollard

Introducing Practical Guides

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Introducing Practical Guides: With 28 titles already in the series, these user-friendly, jargon-free books are written by established experts in their fields and complete with tips, facts, case studies, and effective exercises to help readers apply proven principles to everyday life and achieve their goals. This free eBook sampler contains extracts from the following: Introducing Psychology of Success; Introducing Positive Psychology; Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life; Introducing Psychology of Relationships; Introducing Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP); Introducing NLP for Work; Introducing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Introducing Mindfulness. Find out more about the series at introducingbooks.com
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