Hugo De Burgh

China's Media in the Emerging World Order

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China is challenging the mighty behemoths, Google and Facebook, and creating alternative New Media; 750 million people are on its Social Mediascape and there are a billion mobile phones deploying the innovative apps with which the Chinese conduct their lives. Though late starters, already four of the world's leading New Media companies are Chinese. China's old media — television, newspapers, radio — challenge the established powers, long thought unassailable, such as CNN and BBC. Produced in many languages on every continent, they are re-defining the agenda and telling the story China's way. News and documentary are being followed by entertainment. The world's biggest manufacturer of TV drama is now making its stories for export.

China's Media tells you why and how; it investigates the Chinese media, their strengths and weaknesses and how they are different. Abjuring the customary casual writing off of China's media as `propaganda', this book takes them seriously, explains their immense variety and diversity and enables us to get a handle on this new force in the world.
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