J.R.,William Wright

From Turmoil and Tribulation

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From Turmoil and Tribulation is the story of a young man's quarter life crisis told in prose. He is armed only with his words as he battles his rising fears, frustrations, and insecurities. Each page is plagued by the ghoulish memories of past heartaches that are purposely conjured for his gradual process of healing. This anthology of poetry is a testament of personal triumph, and is meant to guide other lost souls that find themselves caught in their own haze of uncertainty. If this young man can uncover his passions and triumph over his anxieties, then anyone can! Important note: If you are viewing this on the lulu website look on the bottom right corner of the page and there should be a box for Adobe Digital Editions Installer. If you've haven't already, you may have to install the program to open the ebook after downloading it. I apologize for this inconvenience
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