On the rack of romance. And also in the oven of luuurve. Woe is Georgia: Dave the Laugh has declared his love for her (at least she thinks he was talking about her), and she has finally given Masimo an ultimatum to be her one and only and he has to think about it. And will she ever be able to stop thinking about the Sex God plucking his guitar strings of loveosity?
Jas said, “Oh well, maybe something really NICE will happen.” I said, “Yeah and maybe Hitler was really lovable, just misunderstood.”
Вероника Бондареваhar citeratför 4 år sedan
I dreamt that I had a conversation with Jesus. Jesus had the hump because he didn’t like his frock and he said his lipstick didn’t suit his complexion. It brought out the orange in it.
Вероника Бондареваhar citeratför 4 år sedan
Then he cleared his throat and said, “Ah the lovely Georgia, I have missed seeing you. I think you are how you say, ‘mad.’ In fact, the Stiff Dylans, they all say, ‘Yes, she is mad, that girl,’ but they like you.