Am??lie Nothomb


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Two female authors share adventures and champagne in this witty novel about friendship by the celebrated author of Hygeine and the Assassin.
With wry humor and a deceptively simple style, Pétronille tells an unusual story about twin abiding passions: one for champagne, and the other for a riotous friendship between her protagonist and Pétronille Fanto, a woman who refuses to drink alone.
This is a funny, moving, exotic novel about travel, France, champagne, and, above all, women's friendship. The on-again/off-again friendship between Pétronille and the main character in the book, who happens to be a writer by the name of Amélie Nothomb, gives the story its verve and the novel its heart. This is literary Thelma & Louise, with a little bit of French panache and a whole lot of champagne thrown in.
Praise for Pétronille
“Rich, truly funny, and as inappropriate as a glass of Dom Pérignon at ten in the morning.” —Elle (France)
“Nothomb’s novel is full of energy.” —Publishers Weekly
“A slight, frothy bubble of a book, in Amélie Nothomb’s signature lighthearted style.” —Shelf Awareness
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