Sarah Morgan,Kim Lawrence,Susan Mallery

Royal Affairs: Desert Princes & Defiant Virgins

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{"strong"=>[{"em"=>["Royal Lives — glamorous, luxurious, bound by duty yet still captive to desire!"]}]}
{"strong"=>["Virgin Princess"]}
Karim, Sultan of Zangrar, sought a gentle, obedient bride. What he got was a defiant, feisty wife with fire in her eyes! Their marriage contract could not be broken. And she was a rebel princess who wouldn't be tamed. . .
{"strong"=>["Secretary Lover "]}
Betrayed by her fiancé, Kiley turned to the most eligible man she knew: her boss Prince Rafiq of Lucia-Serrat! Although the dashingly handsome prince had enticed dozens of women, she had just one thing in mind when she proposed becoming his mistress: revenge…
{"strong"=>["Innocent Bride"]}
As heir to the throne, Prince Tair al Sharif’s first priority is his country, and bespectacled teacher Molly James is not a woman he’d plan to bed. But Molly is his innocent captive and Tair must pay the price for keeping her in the desert overnight!
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