
Lauren Landish

  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    My eyes widen as the Dom tugs slightly, and the leash pulls at the collar around her throat. The Submissive tumbles forward slightly and the man catches her, pulling her into his hard chest and whispering into her ear. She smiles against his suit jacket as he chuckles and she nods her head slightly, looking up at him and responding with a soft, “Yes, sir,” to whatever he’s said.

    He releases her and walks easily to a table where another man is already sitting.

    The seated man, a tall blond, is eyeing the Dom’s Sub with intense interest, his legs planted out wide. He mutters something to the Sub, and she blushes at whatever it is.

    “Answer him,” I hear the Dom command, looking at his Submissive with a heated gaze.

    The Sub looks hesitant, although lust is easily read on her face before uttering something too low for me to hear and nodding slightly. At this, the Dom takes a seat at the table next to the blond man, and pulls his Sub into his lap, spreading her legs out wide and placing the balls of her bare feet on the leather-covered bench on either side of his thighs. The blond man moves in close and lowers the top of the Sub’s dress, taking out her right breast. My lips part in disbelief. I watch as he takes her nipple into his mouth and as he slides his hand up between her legs. Her head falls back against her Dom’s shoulder, and she moans softly with pleasure.

    My breath hitches, and my eyes widen.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    I was there when he told her the rules, and I couldn’t believe how eagerly she accepted them. She wants to please him. She craves his authority and his conditions. It’s a dynamic that’s foreign to me. I’d only met Bruce once before this. They seem like an average enough couple. But this is different. Much different. Here in Club X, he’s the master of Carla’s world
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    The woman I’ve been waiting for walks out on stage. Her nude heels click on the ground, and it’s all I can hear as she walks in what seems like slow motion. Everything else turns to white noise, and the only sound in my ears is the steady click, click, click of her nervous steps.

    She’s utterly gorgeous, but there’s an obvious innocence about her. I thought I’d be interested when I looked at her information initially, but now I’m certain that I have to have her.

    Treasure. She’s the one. Her gold dress clings to her figure and sparkles beautifully, as though she truly belongs in it. The gold tones only make her sun-kissed skin that much more beautiful. My dick is already hard at the thought of my hand leaving a bright red flush across her lush ass.

    She centers herself on the stage, looking nervously at the auctioneer and then behind her, at Madam Lynn.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    I watch Dahlia, my treasure, as her skin colors a beautiful red on her chest and up her cheeks with a blush. My dick twitches at the thought of seeing that color on her ass. I can imagine how she’d squirm in my lap as I smacked my hand down with a blistering beating. Gripping her tempting ass before spanking her over and over.

    “Nine. One million,” the auctioneer points at each man as they raise their paddles, upping the cost. I don’t care how much I have to pay. She's going to be mine. “One million one hundred thousand. One point one.”

    There’s a pause, and he looks around the room through his spectacles. “One point two,” he says as I raise the paddle.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Fisting is also included, which makes me look up at this petite little thing with mild surprise. She blushes violently as I take in her expression. We could work up to that. I imagine she checked it as a soft limit.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    “I’d like you at my address at eight in the morning,” I say and scratch my address down on the pad of paper. I took tomorrow off just so I could enjoy her fully for the first day. I may be a workaholic, but my treasure is a real treat, and I’m going to need time to explore every inch of her body and test how every subtle touch affects her.

    “But I-”

    I stop and look up at her, not knowing why Dahlia would object. Maybe she doesn’t have transportation. “I can have a car pick you up, if you’d rather?” I offer her.

    “I can drive. I just wasn’t expecting it to start so early. And I thought maybe we’d be at the club?”

    “You’ll be in my playroom for training, and you’ll be available when I want you, which will be all times of the day and night, treasure.” She gasps slightly, and her eyes widen.

    “I-” she starts to answer, and then looks at Madam Lynn as if she’s the one she should be speaking to. I’m her Dom, for fuck’s sake.

    “You what? Tell me what’s bothering you.” I’m getting irritated by her hesitation, and my tone reflects that. She doesn’t seem too bothered by it though, which is good. She’s going to have to get used to it.

    “I have an internship,” she answers hesitantly. The poor girl hardly looks like she’s breathing. She can’t even look me in the eyes. Her shyness, nerves and even the hint of fear are all endearing.

    “Why was that not included in the contract?” I ask her.

    Madam Lynn opens a folder and produces a sheet, sliding it across the table. I glance at it, and her schedule is listed as flexible.

    “I didn't know my schedule ahead of time,” she explains meekly.

    “Do you know it now?” I ask her.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    “Good.” I smile down at her and she rewards me with a sweet soft hum as she rocks back and forth on her heels, waiting for me to lead her away.

    “You’re excited for dinner?”

    “I am,” she replies and her smile widens. My chest swells with pride that I can put that beautiful look on her face.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Unconsciously I reach for Lucian’s hand, wanting to feel security and comfort, and then snatch it back, fearful that I might be crossing the line. Shit
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    “Yes…” I can practically hear the “s” on the tip of her tongue. She looks up at me and then back to Madam Lynn.

    “Ask me, Dahlia,” I tell her. “If you have a question, I’m the one you need to ask. No one else.”

    “Sir?” she asks with those sweet hazel eyes peering up at me, filled with vulnerability. “Do I call you sir?”

    My dick is harder than it’s ever been in my entire fucking life. “Yes, treasure. You will call me sir.”

    She starts to ask another question, but then pauses for a moment and licks her lips. “Always?” she asks.

    I shake my head gently. “In this club and when we’re playing, but if I take you out, then no, I don’t want you to call me sir.” She nods her head, accepting what I’ve told her as I let my own words settle. Take her out. When would I fucking do that?

    “Any last questions for either party?” Madam Lynn asks. She looks between the two of us, but her eyes linger on Dahlia. She’s seen many of these auctions; I’m sure she’s made up in her mind what type of match this will be already.

    Dahlia shakes her head as she says, “No.” Her breathing is coming in shorter and heavier, and I know the reality is setting in.

    “No, I’m more than ready for tomorrow to begin. And make sure you pack a bag with your essentials and a change of clothes. You’ll be staying the night.”

    Dahlia nods her head as she says, “I understand, sir.” Her voice is small and her words barely more than a whisper.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    I hear the sound of his muted footsteps against the plush carpeting and I fight the urge to turn around to catch a glimpse of him. He hasn’t given me permission.

    The bed creaks as he gets on it and goosebumps rise along my skin, traveling from the base of my spine toward my shoulders and down my front. A second later I feel his hot breath on my ass cheeks and I know he’s level with my ass, eyeing my glistening pussy. My heart begins to pound like a war drum, beating so hard that Lucian probably hears it.

    I close my eyes in anticipation, my breathing ragged and shallow as I wait for him to bury his face in my pussy and then make me beg for more.

    “I asked you to wait for me here and to be still, treasure,” Lucian growls from behind me, his hot breath grazing my pussy and causing it to clench even harder. He puts a hand on either side of my ass and spreads me farther apart. My eyes widen, and my fingers dig into the mattress.

    I buck forward slightly, the feel of his breath on me making me shiver uncontrollably. Oh my God. He’s driving me crazy, and he knows it. Why won’t he just put that mouth on my pussy and take me by force?

    “I did, sir,” I weakly protest. I’m practically trembling with exhaustion from holding this position for so long. For him.

    “No, treasure,” I hear him say as I feel his fingers lightly touch my mound, gliding along the slick, swollen flesh. I groan softly as I let his fingers dip inside and explore my sore walls. I feel a little discomfort that makes me wince, but it mixes in with the pleasure and I want more. Much more. My neck arches, and I bite down on my lip to keep from moaning. “You didn’t.”

    He doesn’t give me more, though. I gasp as he pulls his fingers away and I instantly miss his touch.

    The bed creaks as Lucian crawls off of it and walks over to the nightstand. I sneak a peek to the side. I can see him now, and he looks just like I imagined him; his shirt unbuttoned at the chest, his tie loosened. And he has a huge fucking bulge pressing against his expensive slacks, dying to be let out. My mouth waters at the sight.

    I watch as Lucian walks over to the side of the room, messing with something in a drawer before standing in front of the whips and canes. Uh-oh. My heart begins pounding like a sledgehammer as I read Lucian’s body language. He means business.

    “You were supposed to be still, treasure,” he growls ominously, “and for the last five minutes you have been anything but still.” Moving slowly, deliberately, he picks up a riding crop. He walks back over to the bed, dragging out each step, his face an impenetrable mask. My heart flutters, knowing what's coming next as he moves out of view behind me.

    The bed creaks again and then everything goes still. Silence
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