Samantha Towle

  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    She’s stunning.

    And I’m so completely screwed
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    Who the fuck is this girl?

    Checking Dozer over … sounding like she knows what she’s talking about … fixing up his leg…

    And that black eye.
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    “You can take the sunglasses off, you know. There’s only us here, and I’ve already seen what you’re hiding behind them.”
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    “Oh, you have no idea, babe.”

    Babe? Holy shit. Is he…?

    Did he just flirt with me?

    No. No way.
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    “You have a nice face. You know, as faces go.”

    “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I smile. But what I actually feel like doing is breaking into a fucking dance. “You have a nice face too, Mia. Really nice.”
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    A smile slowly lifts her lips. The light coming in through the window, behind her, frames her perfectly. She looks like an angel. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

    Punch. To. The. Chest.

    I feel like I can’t breathe.
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    “Bad choice of words. You’re right. You are most definitely not a thing. You, Mia … are most definitely a woman.”
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    “Did you know you swing your ass when you walk?”
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    “I said, leave her the fuck out of it!”
  • b9444846097har citerati fjol
    And his question makes perfect sense when he leans forward and licks the salt from my hand. Slowly.

    Holy. Crap.
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