Patricia Wrede


Menna Abu Zahrahar citeratför 2 år sedan
The most important thing, though, is to figure out how you write—whether you’re a page-a-day-at-nine-a.m. slogger or a burst writer who can crank out ten thousand words in one marathon session at the computer but then has to sit around doing nothing for a week or two in order to recharge.
Menna Abu Zahrahar citeratför 2 år sedan
Or there’s the sort who sort of graze constantly, producing a paragraph here and a sentence there all through the day or week, feeling as if you aren’t getting anything done until you get to Friday and notice that you have written an entire chapter when you “weren’t working.”
Menna Abu Zahrahar citeratför 2 år sedan
f you just look slantwise at normal, everyday things, it becomes a habit after a while, and pretty soon you have more ideas than you know what to do with.


Sabahat Zeeshandelade ett intryckför 10 månader sedan
👍Värt att läsa

It was soo good

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