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Marcus T. Ryan

  • Semyon Kurashovhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Marcus Aurelius pointed out one of the most illuminating facts convincing us in the west to avoid wasting energy worrying about what others perceive us to be. He famously pointed out that it is always strange that while every person in the world puts his or herself before all others, no person usually puts his or her own opinions of his or herself before the opinions of others. In fact, it is our own opinions of ourselves which all too often take on a subordinate role compared to what others see in us, which is an absurd way to live with oneself.
  • Semyon Kurashovhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    life is suffering, and the source of all suffering is wanting
  • Luuhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    He famously pointed out that it is always strange that while every person in the world puts his or herself before all others, no person usually puts his or her own opinions of his or herself before the opinions of others
  • Luuhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    He famously pointed out that it is always strange that while every person in the world puts his or herself before all others, no person usually puts his or her own opinions of his or herself before the opinions of others.
  • b3941023612har citeratför 2 år sedan
    stoicism teaches us that it is through reason and reason alone that knowledge can be found.
  • b3941023612har citeratför 2 år sedan
    The age-old adage “you reap what you sow” applies here as it does anywhere.
  • b3941023612har citeratför 2 år sedan
    It is disappointing that philosophy often receives the reputation of a practice that is more theoretical than practical and that it is more often practiced by academics who do not consider its real-world applications so much as they busy themselves with impressing their colleagues.
  • b3941023612har citeratför 2 år sedan
    The cost of existence itself is suffering
  • b7183420284har citerati fjol
    “Men are disturbed not by events, but by their opinions about events.”
  • b7183420284har citerati fjol
    emotions are not right or wrong, they are only felt.
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