
Haemin Sunim


Nikolai C.har citeratför 2 år sedan
There is a famous Buddhist saying that everyone appears as buddhas in the eyes of the Buddha and everyone appears as pigs in the eyes of a pig. It suggests that the world is experienced according to the state of one’s mind. When your mind is joyful and compassionate, the world is, too. When your mind is filled with negative thoughts, the world appears negative, too. When you feel overwhelmed and busy, remember that you are not powerless. When your mind rests, the world also rests
Nikolai C.har citeratför 2 år sedan
Life teaches us through our mistakes.

When you make a mistake,

simply ask yourself what you were meant to learn from it.

When we accept such lessons with humility and gratitude,

we grow that much more.

To be happy, it’s not necessary to expend great effort so we get somewhere else.
Nikolai C.har citeratför 2 år sedan
How can we better understand our negative emotions and try to resolve them instead of suppressing them? The answer is fairly simple. All we have to do is separate the raw energy of negative emotions from linguistic labels like “anger” or “hatred” and then witness it calmly until the energy morphs into something else.
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