bookmate game

Omar Suleiman

  • Aisha Eliashar citeratförra månaden
    Allāhumma ijʿal khayra zamānī ākhirahu, wa-khayra
    ʿamalī khawātimahu, wa-khayra ayyāmī yawma alqāka
    O Allah, let the best of my lifetime be its ending,
    and my best deed be that which I seal (my life with),
    and the best of my days the Day I meet You.
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 24 dagar sedan
    Let me die a Muslim and be accompanied by the righteous. (Yusuf 12:101)
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 24 dagar sedan
    Ilāhī ghārati al-nujūmu, wa-nāmati al-ʿuyūnu
    wa-ghallaqati al-mulūku abwābahā, wa-bābuka
    maftūḥun, wa-khalā kullu ḥabībin bi-ḥabībihī,
    wa-hādhā maqāmī bayna yadayka
    O Allah, the stars have vanished, the eyes
    have slept, the kings have locked their doors, and Your
    door remains open. Every lover has found privacy with
    their beloved, and here I am standing before You.
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 24 dagar sedan
    O Allah! Here goes the night departing and here comes the day brightening, and how I wish to know, have you accepted this night from me so that I may congratulate myself, or have you rejected it from me so that I may extend myself condolences. By Your might! This is my commitment for as long as you keep me alive. By Your might!
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 24 dagar sedan
    Even if you scold me, I will never leave your door, nor will anything but your generosity and your grace be felt in my heart.
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 24 dagar sedan
    Allāhumma fātira al-samāwāti wal-arḍi, ʿālima al-ghaybi
    wal-shahādati, innī aʿhadu ilayka fī hādhihi al-ḥayāti
    al-dunya: innaka in takilnī ilā nafsī tuqarribunī
    mina al-sharri, wa-tubāʿidunī mina al-khayri, wa-innī
    in athiku illā biraḥmatika fajʿalhu lī ʿindaka ʿahdan
    tu’addihī ilayya yawma al-qiyāmati, innaka
    lā-tukhlifu al-mīʿād
    O Allah, Originator of the heavens and earth, Knower
    of the seen and unseen, I testify in this worldly life of
    mine that if You leave me to myself, by that You are
    bringing me closer to harm and distancing me from
    good. I have no confidence except in Your mercy, so let
    that be a covenant that You deliver to me on the Day
    of Judgment—for You never break Your promises.
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 24 dagar sedan
    No one will have the power to intercede [with Allah], except for him who has taken a covenant with the All-Beneficent, (Maryam 19:87)
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 23 dagar sedan
    I have no confidence except in Your mercy
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 23 dagar sedan
    Ya rabbi inna dhunūbī ʿaẓimatun, wa-inna qalīla
    ʿafwika aʿẓamu minhā, allāhumma famḥu bi-qalīli
    ʿafwika ʿaẓīma dhunūbī
    My Lord, my sins are enormous, but a little
    of Your forgiveness is greater than all of them.
    O Allah, so erase with a little of Your forgiveness
    the enormity of my sins.
  • Aisha Eliashar citeratför 23 dagar sedan
    So when you call upon Allah and you say, ‘O Allah! You never break your promises. You promised us mercy, so please show us mercy; You promised that if we do this, You will do that.’ It’s a very beautiful and powerful way to engage your Rabb, to engage your Lord, to engage your Sustainer. A Lord that loves to forgive, a Lord that loves to pardon, a Lord that loves to show mercy.
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