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Wayne Walker


b0855519033har citeratför 2 år sedan
Investors - Determine whether Bitcoin has any market value
Bitcoin Core Developers - They write the rulebook
Miners - Write the history and validate transactions
Merchants and their customers - They generate the primary demand and long-term price for Bitcoins
In addition to the above players, there is the Bitcoin Foundation (founded 2012). The foundation pays Core Developers and speak to governments as the representative of Bitcoin
b9681234394har citeratför 2 år sedan
NFT is proof of ownership of that token.
b9681234394har citeratför 2 år sedan
there is nothing that prevents a famous boxer from creating an NFT of their boxing gloves used in a championship fight.


Наталья Рязановаdelade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
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For new insights in the field of NFT, the book is suitable.
On many issues related to the protection of copyright in NFT, I partially agree with the author.
In the future, there is a possibility of creating a new divisible token standard that will allow for the division of ownership of a particular NFT.

  • Wayne Walker
    The Definitive Guide to NFT Investing
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