He wishes he could anaesthetize himself and live without feeling anything. Act automatically, observe, breathe and nothing more. See everything, understand and not talk. But the memories are there, they remain with him.
Zaahrahar citeratför 5 månader sedan
He knows he doesn’t have to say anything to this man, just agree, but there are words that strike at his brain, accumulate, cause damage
Zaahrahar citeratför 5 månader sedan
But he remains silent and smiles.
Lunahar citerati fjol
What we see never lies in what we say.
Lunahar citerati fjol
They nibble away at my brain, Drinking the juice of my heart And they tell me bedtime stories…
Lunahar citerati fjol
…and its expression was so human that it filled me with horror…
Lunahar citerati fjol
These words appear in his head and strike him. Destroy him. But they’re not just words.
Lunahar citerati fjol
His brain warns him that there are words that cover up the world.
Lunahar citerati fjol
He wishes he could anaesthetize himself and live without feeling anything. Act automatically, observe, breathe and nothing more. See everything, understand and not talk. But the memories are there, they remain with him.